Contact Organizing Committee
Tsovinar Hartyunyan, MPH
Senior Program Manager,
Center for Health Services Research and Development,
American University of Armenia
40 Marshal Baghramian
Yerevan 375019 ARMENIA
(374 10) 51 25 63 (Office)
(374 10) 51 25 66 (fax)
E-mail: [email protected]
Yelena Amirkhanyan, MD, MPH
Teaching Assistant, MPH program
College of Health Sciences,
American University of Armenia
Yerevan 375019 ARMENIA
(374 10) 51 25 63 (Office)
(374 10) 51 25 66 (fax)
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact Scientific Committee
Varduhy Petrosyan, MS, PhD Candidate
Lecturer, MPH Program
College of Health Sciences,
American University of Armenia
40 Marshal Baghramian
Yerevan 375019 ARMENIA
(374 10) 51 25 64 (Office)
(374 10) 51 25 66 (fax)
E-mail: [email protected]