Comparative Health Systems – Israel

On December 18, the AUA School of Public Health hosted Dr. Efrat Shadmi to present on the health system of Israel. Dr. Shadmi covered the history and current developments in the health system of Israel, talked about strengths and weaknesses of the national health insurance law, emphasized the importance of continuous monitoring and evaluation of health system performance indicators, and at the end of her presentation she focused on the issues of equity in health. Dr. Shadmi made the presentation via Skype from Haifa, Israel.

Efrat Shadmi, RN, PhD is a Senior Lecturer at the Cheryl Spencer Department of Nursing, University of Haifa, Israel. She received her doctoral degree from the Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. Her research focuses on evaluating equitable health care delivery and its outcomes, integration of care across care settings, and on methods to better understand the distribution of morbidity and multimorbidity among population groups. In 2010, she earned the Dusty and Ettie Miller Scholarship for an outstanding young scholar. Dr. Shadmi is the author of dozens of papers covering topics such as – equitable health care resource allocation, minority patients’ experience during care transitions, and evaluation of primary care programs aimed at improving integrated care of multimorbid patients. Dr. Shadmi serves as the Co-editor in chief of the International Journal for Equity in Health and is a senior policy consultant to the Department of Health Policy Planning at the largest Israeli non-for-profit health care organization (Clalit Health Services).

An active question answer session followed Dr. Shadmi’s presentation with the students and faculty of the Master of Public Health Program.

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