(In partnership with AUA Turpanjian Rural Development Program, Open Center for Transformative Health Solutions, AUA Open Education; private health practices, representatives of diaspora medical community)
Funding Agency: Turpanjian Family Educational Foundation
PI: Haoutune Armenian, MD, DrPH
The “Entrepreneurs in Health” (EIH) program was launched in 2017 in collaboration with the
AUA Turpanjian Rural Development Program (TRDP). The aim of this project is to improve
access to quality health services in rural communities of Armenia, Artsakh, and Javakhk through
introduction of advanced technologies and innovative approaches supporting healthcare
professionals to develop private health practices. The EIH program equips those healthcare
providers willing to establish private practices in rural communities (EIH beneficiaries) with
necessary knowledge and skills through trainings on entrepreneurship and healthcare quality
assurance, assists in financing establishment of their practices, as well as provides continuous
support throughout the process of establishment and operation of private practices, through
mentoring, professional consultancy, monitoring, and evaluation. The activities of EIH are
highlighted in the annual reports and stories: