
01-03-2010 Understanding Trauma

Within the Public Health Monthly Seminar Series, Carolyn E. Yoder, a licensed psychotherapist ( USA ), presented “Understanding Trauma: what it is and how it impacts individuals, communities, and societies” on March 1, 2010.
Carolyn Yoder’s expertise and experience is working with the bio-psycho-social effects of traumatic events (natural disasters, wars, conflict, torture) on individuals, communities and societies.  She also has interest in how unhealed historic traumas impact future generations: “ Unhealed trauma creates cycles of victimhood and violence in individuals, communities and societies.  Understanding the dynamics of trauma, including historic trauma, frees us to remember and choose healing even years later.”
Ms. Yoder has lived and worked in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and the USA .  She currently resides in Yerevan .  In addition to training, consulting and counseling, she spent five years developing and directing STAR ( ) a multidisciplinary trauma healing program at the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, Eastern Mennonite University (VA, USA).  Ms. Yoder describes this integrated model of addressing individual and communal trauma in her book “The Little Book of Trauma Healing: When Violence Strikes and Community Security is Threatened” (Available in English, Russian, Spanish and Burmese).

Representatives of different health related organizations and NGOs, AUA students, graduates, and faculty attended the seminar.

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