
08-11-2013 – Meghrigian Institute in Shaumian Region of Artsakh

In October 2013, AUA’s Garo Meghrigian Institute for Preventive Ophthalmology (Meghrigian Institute) of the School of Public Health completed the project aimed at reducing the incidence of avoidable blindness and visual impairment among socio-economically disadvantaged population in Shaumian Region of Artsakh.
Meghrigian Institute conducted free eye screenings for the residents of Karvachar and Aknaberd towns, as well as Nor Brajur, Nor Verinshen, Tsar, Getashen, Dadivanq, Nor Erqej, Nor Karachinar, Yeghegnut and Nor Manashid villages.  Overall, 98 patients received eye screenings.  All patients diagnosed with eye pathologies received free ophthalmic consultation about their diagnosis and further treatment.  Seventy two patients who had refractive errors or presbyopia received eye glasses from Meghrigian Institute.  Meghrigian Institute plans to continue its work in Artsakh.

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